Unlock the benefits of a dedicated billing team, and find out how much money your wilderness program could save.

Here at Axis, we have experience working with dozens wilderness programs across the country.

We can handle every step in the billing process, and if your client’s insurance offers any kind of wilderness benefits, we have never failed to collect a portion of the cost. Let’s talk about it–send us a text at 541-ASK-AXIS.

We know how to bill for the level of care that will work best for any specific situation: something that is especially important when it comes to wilderness. If you’ve struggled with having appeals rejected, there might be a simple fix that Axis can help you find.

At no extra cost, we can handle all three levels of appeals. Instead of handing off this aspect to another team, we can incorporate it seamlessly into our billing process when the need arises. Our appeals are reviewed and approved by a team of experienced lawyers, and when medical necessity is met, they have around a 90% rate of success.

We work on contingency–we don’t get paid unless you do. This ensures that all involved parties are always working together toward the exact same result.

Get started today with a free benefits check. It’s on the house.